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Product Finder

Whether forklift trucks, pallet trucks or pallet stackers, order pickers, tow trucks or very narrow aisle trucks, Linde Material Handling Ireland offers the widest range of models on the industrial truck market.

Product Finder

Overview Linde Services

By choosing a Linde Material Handling forklift truck, you can be sure that you will receive service that is reliable and quickly available. With over 8,500 service technicians at some 700 sites worldwide, service is a key part of the Linde offer. Our services in the areas of technology, equipment, safety and the efficient use of your industrial trucks and driverless transport systems ensure maximum fleet availability, increase safety in the workplace, and reduce costs. Linde offers the following services worldwide.

Our Service Offering

Forklift Hire

The hire service from Linde Material Handling gives customers a simple and flexible way to hire forklift trucks. With a rental fleet of more than 60,000 trucks worldwide, Linde has the perfect solution for every requirement. The rental trucks are available quickly and in the usual Linde quality.

All About Rental Trucks

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