Optimising the safety of internal traffic flows

Linde Safety Scan
Consultation with the help of the Linde Safety Scan

Increasing productivity safely

Safety is a key productivity factor when mobile handling equipment and pedestrian staff are moving around in the same space. With Linde Safety Scan, we have a clearly structured consultation service that helps you and your Occupational Safety experts to optimise the safety of traffic within your businesses.

Our safety advice is based on extensive in-depth knowledge of modern intralogistics and our innovative methods. Specially trained experts, the Linde Safety Consultants, provide a systematic, step-by-step analysis of potential hazards within warehouse and production areas. They develop bespoke recommendations with organisational and technical solutions for your specific requirements and support you with their implementation. The Linde Safety Scan provides significant safety enhancements for your employees and mobile equipment, resulting in sustainable increases in efficiency and productivity. Investment in the recommended safety measures provides a rapid return. Tangible benefits can be realised in the first year.

Safety first

Three people analyse the occurrences in a factory building.

The product in detail

Briefing for the Linde Safety Scan at a customer table

1. Briefing

  • We will provide you with a detailed presentation of our Safety Scan system and a comprehensive overview of the advisory services we offer.
  • By working with you, your occupational safety experts and your senior management team, we will detail how your business could benefit from a Safety Scan.
  • The briefing is based on your specific situation and identifies areas where beneficial enhancements could be made.

Workshop on a wall for the Linde Safety Scan

2. Analysis

  • Using a short questionnaire, we analyse your individual safety awareness and internal traffic safety requirements.
  • A structured workshop enables us to identify and focus on the internal operational areas where potentially hazardous incidents could occur in internal traffic.
  • As part of an on-site survey, we evaluate both planning documents (floor plans, pedestrian and mobile handling equipment routes) and the premises themselves.
  • The analysis provides a complete overview of the safety situation, where pedestrian staff and mobile equipment are working together in close proximity in the working environment.

Evaluation of the analysis results of the safety scan with tablet, computer and documents

3. Recommendation

  • We provide comprehensive documentation of the workshop and the analysis results.
  • Using the analysis results, we produce an extensive overview detailing possible actions and develop a recommendation customised to your specific situation.
  • We present technical solutions as well as organisational and structural measures that can enhance operational safety for mobile handling equipment operators and pedestrian staff.

Mounting the Linde BlueSpot on a vehicle

4. Implementation

  • To help you make a decision, we produce a quotation in which we clearly itemise the costs for services from both Linde and third-party providers.
  • You decide which of the recommended measures you wish to implement.
  • We then assist you in implementing the solutions you have chosen.

Inspection of BlueSpot by two people in a warehouse

5. Evaluation

  • After the recommended measures have been implemented, your Safety Consultant is still available to provide assistance. They carry out an on-site evaluation with you to determine whether the implemented measures are successful.
  • Depending on the result of this evaluation, they will discuss with you options for further optimising safety.
  • We document and provide copies of the on-site evaluation together with any further recommended actions that might need to be taken.

Handshake between three people

6. Assistance

  • If required, our Safety Consultants can continue to provide advice, e.g. if there are any changes to your requirements (new processes, expansions, etc.).
  • This provides an ongoing overview of the safety of the analysed area. You can then effectively maintain the increased levels of safety and continue to enhance them using targeted measures.

Video image for the Safety Scan video showing a Safety Consultant talking to a customer